πŸ“ˆ Understanding IEP Data Collection πŸ“ˆ

πŸ“ˆ If you've ever found IEP data collection to be a challenging and mystifying aspect of your child's education journey, you're not alone.Β 

The world of data can be perplexing for both parents and teachers, leaving many feeling lost in the process.

But here's the exciting news: We've created something special to demystify the art of data collection, and we're extending the opportunity for you, the dedicated parent, to access these invaluable modules.

Introducing the Understanding IEP Data Collection for Parents Module

Designed by Lisa Lightner of A Day in Our Shoes, in collaboration with Emily, a special education teacher (Masters in Special Ed!), this module is your passport to understanding and harnessing the power of IEP data collection.

A Unique Opportunity:

Before we dive into the details, let's make one thing clear: Our goal isn't to tell teachers and school staff how to do their job. Rather, it's about providing accessible and affordable resources for teachers who might not receive this level of training from their school district.

IDEAβ€”A Guide, Not a Rulebook when it come to data collection

IDEA (the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) outlines the importance of progress monitoring but doesn't prescribe the "how." It leaves room for interpretation and flexibility, acknowledging that there's no one-size-fits-all approach.

What You'll Discover:

πŸ” Understanding IEP Data Collection:

Demystify the concept and learn why data collection is crucial for your child's educational journey.

πŸ“Š The Nuts and Bolts:Β Gain insights into the practical aspects of data collectionβ€”what to collect, how to collect it, and why it matters.

πŸ“‰ Unlocking Progress Monitoring:Β Understand the art of monitoring progress, helping you stay informed about your child's growth and development.

🧩 Making Informed Decisions: Learn how data collection empowers you to make informed decisions about a child's IEP.

🌟 Complementary to IDEA: This knowledge is rooted in best practices, ensuring you're well-equipped to navigate the IEP journey effectively.

Your Path to Empowerment:

This module isn't just about data; it's about empowerment. It's about giving you the tools and knowledge you need to be a confident advocate for your child's education.

17 Lessons

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Getting Started in IEP Data Collection

An introduction to the content covered in this module

Types of Academic Data (+ a few functional applications) Copy

An intro to Academic Data

Accuracy in IEP Data Collection

β€’ Accuracy

An in-depth look at how and when to take data using accuracy

β€’ Trials

An in-depth look at how and when to take data using trials

Types of Functional Data (+ a few Academic uses)

A quick look at a few methods of taking data that work for mostly functional goals (with some academic exceptions).

β€’ Opportunities

An in-depth look at how and when to take data using opportunities

β€’ Charted Opportunities

An in-depth look at how and when to take data using "charted" opportunities

Types of Functional Data (less-frequently used)

A quick look at a few methods of taking data that will only work for functional goals.

β€’ Duration

An in-depth look at how and when to take duration data

β€’ Latency

An in-depth look at how and when to take latency data

β€’ Frequency

An in-depth look at how and when to take frequency data

β€’ Interval (Whole Interval and Partial Interval)

An in-depth look at how and when to take whole- and partial-interval data

Who can take Data?

Thoughts regarding empowering classroom staff/paraeducators to take IEP data

Creative Ways to Take Data

More ideas for making data taking even easier!

IEP Progress Monitoring

An overview of the "why" and "how" of progress monitoring

Data Sheets

Downloadable, editable data sheets for your classroom