Don't IEP Alone: IEP Tools and Training for Parents and Staff

They say it takes a Village. You found yours.

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Welcome to Don't IEP Alone!

The name says it all--I don't believe anyone should have to IEP alone.

I've dedicated my life to supporting both families and school staff in the IEP process.

IEPs are complex and overwhelming, but they don't have to be.

The tools, training and support you find here will make your IEP process easier, I promise!

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What Our Members Have to Say:

“This organization helped me prepared in details for my sons’ meetings and it made me confident to be able to have all the documentation in order. Thank you for making this available!!!” ― Sheila U
“I am Mom to one son with ADHD and Mild Intellectual Disability. The IEP planner helped me to learn how to keep track of his changing needs and changing plans. It is an awesome tool for staying organized for follow up questions I may need to pose to staff.” ― Denise A
“I have read whatever I have seen of yours that is related to IEPs. I have been a surrogate parent in Ohio for about several years, and lately your posts have been an excellent resource to help me clarify my responsibilities as a surrogate, and what services the children are entitled to receive. Your writing about Pennsylvania’s regulations has helped me to know how to search the same topic on Ohio’s site. Thank you for that! It has been wonderful working with good people who have the best interests of our children.

I know this Is rather Off Topic in response to your posy, but I want you to know the positive effect you have had on my role as a surrogate.” ― Kathleen E
“I just want you to know how amazing I think you are. I have learned so much from you website and emails (and I have a degree in special education and taught for 12 years!) The email I just opened - the IEP Troubleshooting Guide - came at just the right time. I am not getting communication from the school and I don't think my son is getting everything that he should. I am just thinking this morning - "where do I start?' Now, I have a starting point and a guide to get me where I need to be. I am going to start this right away!

I really just wanted to let you know what a difference you are making in many people's lives. From one mom to another - hold that in your heart when times get tough.” ― Nicole W
“I ordered your IEP toolkit. This year and last year have been incredibly difficult navigating the school system and I am continually looking for guidance or templates to help aid in advocating for my son. My parent concerns this year at his IEP were AMAZING because of the guidance you provided. ” ― Danielle B
“Your website been a Godsend to me as I knew nothing about IEPs! I have shared my findings with my adult daughter (Mom to my granddaughter) who is dealing with the IEP issues. Your IEP notebook has helped us stay organized and much more in control (depending on the circumstances).

Your articles gave us the guidance to maneuver this process last year along with an advocate who was an invaluable asset during those contentious
meetings. ” ― Mary S
“I think your article about how to write a parents concern letter for inclusion is on an IEP is so important.

I live in New York City. I recently was able to formally get my child into one of New York's state approved private schools after a near two year battle with the NYC Dept. Of Education. I achieved this without attorney representation.

I was represented by an attorney for two academic years- not once did the attorney advise me to submit a parent concern letter for inclusion in the IEP.

I really appreciate your article and I am interested in gaining as much knowledge as you have to effectively manage my
child's education and to be an effective advocate for others. ” ― Erma P
“You probably get this a lot but I felt that it was still worth saying. I think you are so AMAZING! I’m the mother of a beautiful boy on the spectrum who is currently being assessed for special education preschool. I listen to your podcast (I haven’t yet left you a review but promise I will), I read the posts on your FB page, and I love your website. I just can’t thank you enough for the work that you do. I’m in tears writing this! I’d be lost without you. Seriously, a million times thank you! I am forever grateful to have you as a resource.” ― Lauren R
“I work for the XYZ School (anonymous), a public special needs school in New Jersey. We just wanted to let you know that because your website is such an awesome resource, we made sure to put it in the parent resource section of our first-ever district newsletter mailed out to all of our students' homes.

We thank you for being a fantastic resource for all parents!
― Shana M
“First of all, your site is the best resource for IEP information! I direct other parents there and share information often. You are always accurate with the most current legal info, but I also appreciate your promotion of person-centered and empowered thinking.” ― Michelle W
“You shared a document that had all of the possible ways the school could help my son. I highlighted all the suggestions I thought might help in his education, rather than simply managing his behaviors, and the school acknowledged the missing elements and put a lot of them in place.

I wanted to be sure that I thanked you. You can't image the support you provided to me to get me through my darkest times.

Please know how deeply appreciated your efforts have been, you entered our lives and made and provided real, practical and comforting advice at the time we needed it most.” ― Sophy L
“I just wanted to send a quick note of THANK YOU. Your website, ready to print documents, and email templates have helped us tremendously. My son had a 504 plan, but his needs were still not being met. Your information, descriptions, and documents went beyond the basics I found on PACER and other websites. It helped us navigate the process of formally requesting an evaluation, an IEE, and initiation of an IEP. We have used a lot of your advice and tactics to get to where we are now.
Thank you so much again!” ― Julie D
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